Wednesday, June 24, 2009


A look, a touch,
A glance neither here nor there,
Words spoken,
Riddles whispered,
Confusion knocks at the door.
Knowledge presented
Vague in its representation
As smoke mottles the words
As it curls around each sentence
Obscuring what was meant
And what was said
Hoping for clarification
A break in the clouds
As to know whether a ray of sunshine
Is what is being offered
Or just a glimpse to tantalize
Tempting with warmth
Wanting to bask and savor
Longing for the heat
To saturate to the core
Encompassing all that is within
Rather than dissipating
And leaving emptiness to reign
With a few simple words
Give answers
Like rain that washes the residue
Of elusiveness away
Allowing the light to break free
Meaning what was said
Knowing what was meant
Presenting what was offered
In its entire lucidity

1 comment:

  1. i love the complete grasp towards the one thought that pulls through in every line. very nice! :)
